Scikit-image 0.23.1 released

We’re happy to announce the release of scikit-image 0.23.1!

scikit-image is an image processing toolbox for SciPy that includes algorithms for segmentation, geometric transformations, color space manipulation, analysis, filtering, morphology, feature detection, and more. For more information, examples, and documentation, please visit our website:

A few highlights:

  • Performance of skimage.util.map_array was improved by making the internal iteration parallel.
  • We also introduced a number of new parameters to the morphology functions in skimage.morphology that give more control over handling array boundaries.
  • The new release makes sure that skimage.morphology.closing and skimage.morphology.opening are now extensive and anti-extensive, respectively, if the footprint is not mirror-symmetric.

For a complete and detailed list of changes, please check out the full list of release notes for v0.23.1. Before upgrading, we recommend that users check that their own code does not use deprecated functionality.

This release is the culmination of five months of work by at least 29 code authors, 21 reviewers and many more who contributed through other means. :tada: