Iterative proportional fitting (IPF)

I am trying to understand whether it makes sense to develop the Iterative Proportional Fitting (IPF) algorithm in scipy.

Reading from here:
“Iterative Proportional Fitting IPF is a technique to find a matrix X that is closest to another matrix Z subject to the constraint that the row and column marginals of X be (nearly) identical to a target matrix Y”.
IPF can be used for matrices of higher dimensions, a use case is presented here.

There are multiple libraries in python that solve the IPF problem but most of them are not actively maintained. I was thinking that including IPF in scipy would deal with this fragmentation and make the algorithm accessible to a wider audience.

My question is whether such an algorithm could become part of scipy or whether it is deemed as too niche for integration.

Thanks a lot

Just an attempt to revive the discussion.