How to sampling for plotting spectogram EEG

Hello Guys , I want to plot some EEG signal that I obtained from a data set. But I’m new in scipy so my task is:

  1. Preprocess the EEG recordings by applying a high-pass filter above 1 Hz and a low-pass filter below 50 Hz.
  2. Downsample the EEG signal from 256 Hz to 128 Hz to improve computational efficiency.
  3. Plot the spectrogram for channels TP9 and TP10.

But I have a error " ValueError: “Length of values does not match length of index.”

# Extract the desired channels (TP9 and TP10)
channels = ['TP9', 'TP10']  
eeg_data = eeg_df[channels]

# Convert the timestamps to time in seconds
sampling_rate = 256  # Sampling rate of the EEG data in Hz
time_seconds = eeg_df['timestamps'] / sampling_rate

# Preprocess the EEG signals
for channel in channels:
    # Apply high-pass filter above 1 Hz and low-pass filter below 50 Hz
    b, a = signal.butter(4, [1, 50], btype='bandpass', fs=sampling_rate)
    eeg_data[channel] = signal.filtfilt(b, a, eeg_data[channel])
    # Downsample the signal from 256 to 128 Hz
    new_length = len(eeg_data[channel]) // 2
    eeg_data[channel] = signal.resample(eeg_data[channel], new_length)

# Define the parameters for the spectrogram
window = 'hann'  # Windowing function
nperseg = 128    # Length of each segment
noverlap = 64    # Overlap between segments
nfft = 128       # Number of points for the FFT

# Compute the spectrogram for each channel
frequencies, times, spectrogram_TP9 = signal.spectrogram(eeg_data['TP9'], fs=sampling_rate / 2, window=window, 
                                                         nperseg=nperseg, noverlap=noverlap, nfft=nfft)
_, _, spectrogram_TP10 = signal.spectrogram(eeg_data['TP10'], fs=sampling_rate / 2, window=window, 
                                            nperseg=nperseg, noverlap=noverlap, nfft=nfft)

So, i would like to know If I miss some step because when I want to implement my code it does not run and said the error that I mentioned before it.

Hi Jose!

Do you mind posting the full traceback of the error, so we can see where it originates?

Hello, yes

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[58], line 17
     15     # Downsample the signal from 256 to 128 Hz
     16     new_length = len(eeg_data[channel]) // 2
---> 17     eeg_data[channel] = signal.resample(eeg_data[channel], new_length)
     19 # Define the parameters for the spectrogram
     20 window = 'hann'  # Windowing function

eeg_data[channel] is a column in a dataframe, right? So you are trying to assign fewer values to that column than it currently has. You cannot reduce the length of a dataframe this way.