In the scipy 1.11-1.13 timeframe, we removed the support for object arrays and longdoubles from scipy.signal.medfilt
[1, 2, 3]. So far this did not seem to have caused any user issues.
There is other usage of object arrays in scipy.signal: scipy.signal.correlate
and scipy.signal.lfilter
have special code paths for object arrays. If the test suite is any guide, the intended use case is lfilter
-ing arrays of Decimal objects.
[3] https://github.com/scipy/scipy/pull/19673
Following up on the discussion at [#20772 (comment)]
The intended use cases were, judging by tests, dealing with arrays of Decimals. The relevant C code has been there “forever” (since when multipack was a thing), and is very likely buggy since then (cf this comment scipy/scipy/signal/_lfilter.c.in at main · scipy/scipy · GitHub).
Here is a proposal to deprecate and later remove support for non-numeric arrays from both correlate/convolve and lfilter: DEP: signal.{correlate,convolve,lfilter}: deprecate object arrays and longdoubles by ev-br · Pull Request #21211 · scipy/scipy · GitHub
This PR is currently also removes float16 support. This might be a bit on a too-wide-sweep side, and I’m happy to roll it back. OTOH, the “support” currently seems to be just upcasting to wider float types, so this deprecation might be okay, too.
If you’re using this functionality, please do let us know! So far this seems to be not used at all.