ANN: pvlib-0.9.5 released

Dear Pythonistas and solar power enthusiasts,

The maintainers are happy to announce a new release of pvlib python: software for simulating performance of photovoltaic solar energy systems.

v0.9.5 Highlights:

  • The infinite_sheds model now has options to use the hay-davies transposition model and faster vectorized calculations.
  • New models for irradiance decomposition (boland) and relative airmass (gueymard2003).
  • Model extensions for multiple strings in pvlib.snow.loss_townsend and AR coating in pvlib.iam.physical.
  • Updated the parameters database for the ADR inverter model.
  • Various other bug fixes and testing updates.

For the full list of what’s new, see the documentation: What’s New — pvlib python 0.9.5 documentation

Releases are available from PyPI and the conda-forge channel:

NOTE: new pvlib releases are no longer uploaded to the “pvlib” conda channel. Please install from PyPI or the conda-forge channel instead.

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