Adding black as linter?

@endolith Arguments about formatting come up all the time. Worse, many reviewers feel the need to make newcomer PRs conform to their formatting preferences, which wastes time and discourages contribution.

On all the projects I’ve worked on that use a formatter, these issues have simply evaporated.

I understand the unhappiness with black’s math formatting. It’s not good. There is another topic on this forum trying to identify what feedback to give to the black developers, and your input would be very much appreciated there.

Now, the question here is whether we can agree on some (any) system to use for automated formatting. It doesn’t need to be black, so if you happen to know yapf flags or another tool that will get us closer to what you’d like to see, there’s no reason we can’t use that instead.

Finally, I’d say that I am less devoted to the idea of getting a formatter in than I am into the pre-commit checks in my existing PR that will make things consistent and correctly formatted.

@lagru Thanks for bringing the conversation back to principles. Sorry for joining in the bike-shedding :slight_smile: